Created Thu Jun, 20 2019 at 05:03PM

If you are unsure it's SELinux, first try temporarily disabling SELinux enforcing sudo setenforce 0 see Ref. and run the code that was failing. If it is SELinux read on..

I ran into this issue recently and was pretty unfamiliar with SELinux so it was a bit of a learning curve for me. Unlike DAC the standard posix mode permissions you're used to using to set ownership and file read,write,execute permissions, SELinux is a lot more granular with it's permissions. It will in certain cases deny specific operations such as connecting to the internet over TCP/443, allow writing to /foo & /bar, but nowhere else etc. depending on the caller (application). I liken this to MS Active Directory group policies.

To view a files (MAC) mandatory access control permissions ls -Z or users id -Z with output in the user:role:type:level format.

In my case on Centos7 I had a script called in a logrotate.d conf file with a prerotate script that would upload a logfile before it was rotated. I was having several denials (logged to /var/log/audit/audit.log). I learned you can use a few tools to generate specific policy package to install. I am creating .rpm packages for our code, so I added all the steps below to the .spec file to generate & install a policy package during time of install.

What you'll need: policycoreutils-python, checkpolicy (might already be installed)

From what I understand if you plan on distributing this security policy the idea is you want to only ship the *.te file and generate the policy onsite so if the definitions that policy relies on get updated, they will be inherited at time of install.

finding the denial messages
watch "tail /var/log/audit/audit.log | grep 'denied'"
creating the te (type enforcement) file (human readable security policy)
grep 1561055176.928:11371 /var/log/audit/audit.log|audit2allow -m myapp > myapp.te
you can also grep a few failures and pipe them all to audit2allow
cat /var/log/audit/audit.log | grep logrotate | audit2allow -m myapp > myapp.te
you can also use audit2why to give you a little explanation of why it failed sometimes with remediation steps
cat /var/log/audit/audit.log | grep logrotate | audit2why

WARNING During this step I found audit2why reporting my script would work if I ran setsebool -P nis_enabled 1. While that sounds fine and dandy you should always lookup what the security implications are of running those commands. Setting this may broaden your attack surface, so user beware.

build a policy module from type enforcement file
checkmodule -M -m -o myapp.mod myapp.te
build a policy package from policy module
semodule_package -o myapp.pp -m myapp.mod
load policy package with root privs
semodule -i myapp.pp

I had to do these steps several times until I had accumulated all the tiny permissions my code needed to operate.
